The knee meniscus is an important cartilage structure
It’s function is to support and stabilise the joint
An injury to the meniscus of the knee can result in a tear
Symptoms may include pain on the sides of the joint (especially pain on the inner side of the knee), swelling, clicking and locking (unable to straighten the knee). Often patients complain only of pain in the back of the leg behind the knee
Unfortunately the meniscus has a poor blood supply and may not heal without surgery
If left untreated, there is a high risk of developing painful arthritis
Surgery is performed arthroscopically (“keyhole” or minimally invasive surgery) – this is associated with faster recovery time and minimal scarring
The operation is done as a day case procedure (no overnight stay in hospital) under general anaesthetic
The knee meniscus tear is repaired using special sutures. Crutches and a brace are necessary afterwards
If a repair is not possible (often the case), the torn fragment of cartilage is removed (partial meniscectomy or debridement). In this case patients can usually put weight on their leg immediately after the operation
Return to work is usually possible early after surgery, especially if a debridement has been performed