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All Posts Tagged: ACL reconstruction

ACL graft options in ACL reconstruction – which one?

ACL graft choice remains an important decision in ACL reconstructionThere are a variety of ACL graft options available for those needing ACL reconstruction. The decision on which graft is used is usually made on the surgeon’s recommendation. There are pro’s and con’s with each type of graft, and a basic understanding of these is recommended. Generally speaking, there is no one graft which is vastly superior to the others. Having said that, there are definitely options that are best avoided…

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Do I need to have ACL surgery?

ACL surgery is needed for active individualsThe ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is one of the four major stabilising ligaments in the knee. It is commonly injured in sporting activities such as netball, basketball, rugby and soccer. It can also be torn in non sports-related injuries. The ACL has poor healing potential and a tear usually results in an unstable knee. Instability can result in further injury to important structures in the knee. This may have negative effects in later years…

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